Hey, it's Artkey
Artworks have so many stories to tell. But how many of those reach their audience? What does the spectator take home from his visit to a museum? Let us show you a new way of engaging with your audience

Museums and curators hold a lot of knowledge, and have a desire to engage people in a dialogue. Augmented reality is another tool that can communicate this knowledge. It invites visitors to find out more. AR can help contextualise history by blending the old and the new. For example, it can show historical scenes superimposed onto modern ones.

Our story
01. Launch of our pilot project Walking Museum in Belgium
02. Our CEO as a speaker at the worlds biggest tech conference : AR in the arts sector
03. Building a global Artkey community through our Artkey app involving renown museums
About Artkey
In a world of digital art and fast entertainment people are losing the connection and understanding of classic art. Classic museums are challenged to compete with interactive trends offered by digital contemporary installations.

Artkey “animates” timeless pieces of art with augmented reality. Using AR and high quality animation, historic masterpieces can be brought to life in a fun, informative and exhilarating way.

Modern technology has offered us a tool with which we can create pretty much any added layer that we wish to add to the reality that we perceive, it is called augmented reality.
we bring art to life
Which story do you want to convey to your audience? Are we focusing on a few works of a collection or covering a specific author or century? Do we want to focus the attention on the painting technique or on the life of the author?
From a 2D static artwork our team of animators and creatives transform art into a living, storytelling canvas that addresses its audience in an educational and triggering way. The addition of 2D and 3D animation, customised music, audio voice recordings brings the art experience to a new dimension.
The average visitor to a museum’s collection spends on average only 2.31 seconds in front of each work. In a busy modern life where visitors are not always inclined to linger, museums can use AR technology to reach out and grab their attention.
Anything you can imagine is real
with the help of AR
Pablo Picasso
Meet Our Team
Founder & CEO
Our App
Reach Us & Let’s bring art to life!
Connaught House
1-3 Mount Street